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It's Monday, 24th of Jan 2011. I am still saddened by the video on the dog abuse that was being shared in Facebook lately. (If you still don't know which one I'm referring to, please refer to my earlier post in this blog)

I held back my tears while watching a helpless toy poodle being continuously battered by it's heartless owner for a goddamn 15 minutes. Damn!! I felt like smashing this bastard's head with a baseball bat and watch him bleed to death!!

Such inhumane act is certainly intolerable and the culprit (or perhaps culprits, including the woman who recorded the video and she did not even tried to stop the beating) should be punished by the law. I wonder what's on his f*cking mind? The poor dog has done nothing to deserve such a cruelty. I hope and pray that the poodle can be saved as soon as possible!

Under Section 44 of the Animal Act 1953 (2006 Amendment) which says that anyone guilty of an offence of cruelty to animals shall be liable to a fine of RM200 or imprisonment for a term of six months or both. In my opinion, the sentence is too light and it needs to be urgently amended as it has clearly fails to hinder people from mistreating animal.

As a dog lover and a toy poodle owner myself, I love my dog so much that I considered him part of my family. He has brought so much cheers into our lives and I can't imagine life without him. Dog is indeed man's best friend and I have no doubt about it.

Mahatma Gandhi once said.....
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
...... as for our country, it's certainly heading backwards.


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True Mind is the Journal of Kelvin Poon who lives in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia where he shares his thoughts & happenings in life.